Friday, April 15, 2011

You Win New York, You Win.

So I have been told many things about New York.  The one that sticks is that I came during one of the worst winters they have had.  Which made me still like New York but I also found it to be kind of harsh,  harder to learn, and kind of dirty.  I destroyed many shoes, got lost in the freezing cold and felt exhausted on most days while trying to furnish an apartment.  I wasn't completely sold on this New York thing, I wasn't completely against it but all I knew is that the winter was harsh until it happened.  The weather turned and so did the city.  It became alive in a way I didn't see before, in a way I didn't expect.  We had our first over 70 degree day and then I understood New York, that's when the light went off.

That day I walked 7 hours.  30 of those blocks I walked with a complete stranger that I had a lovely conversation with.  My feet didn't mind the blisters and for the first time I saw all the beauty this city holds.  From the tall monstrous buildings surrounding me to the endless sea of people coming and going those of which I can now recognize as native or tourist.  This city is not for the claustrophobic, in fact there are things that I still dislike sun or snow but I at least get it. 

When its nice the city truly transforms but then again doesn't every place.  Here it seems to slow people and it brings the bustling to a slower push.  My fast jog of a walk turns into a less intensive stroll.  You weave in and out of places you didn't realize were there and 60+ blocks seems close.  The harsh of the grit is less invasive, the graffiti becomes art and the subways make you feel like a New Yorker.  The air even smells fresher and the breeze you catch cools an extreme walker.  I get it, I get it New York.  I see why you steal the hearts of everyone who enter your massiveness.  Yah yah yah, there's nothing like you, ok you win.  That's the truest statement of my life, once I stopped fighting it I got it ( and with it came nicer weather).  Winning.

I tasted summer and even though we are leaving I now understand why one would never leave.  I understand why this is the greatest place for opportunity.  New York will always have a piece of my heart, New York is a pretty special place to be.