Monday, January 10, 2011

*The First 168 Hours*

Its been a week, the first 168 hours of the rest of my life.  Lets rewind 168 hours to me white knuckling the steering wheel of a 2010 Altima.  I was in the Lincoln Tunnel at the end of a 21 hour drive to a place I have only ever imagined.   The tunnel stayed perfectly straight for an annoying amount of time.  I was following a massive bus in the darkest tunnel and was soon spit out into afternoon daylight to fend for my life in the most traffic I have ever seen.

I had made it to Manhattan.  This is when I said a well overdue prayer and followed directions that were wrong.  My hands were shaking and I had saved one cigarette as the grand prize if I made it.  Don't think I did this alone, I had a copilot and a great one at that.  I had my big sister so if I felt like parking the car and running she would surely slap me and tell me to grow some balls.  I couldn't have brought anyone better as I am the youngest and have to maintain a strong disposition at all times because thats what I do.  I couldn't have her drive.  I couldn't crawl into the fetal position I had to face this massively beautiful city on my own.  If I didn't own it, no one would do it for me.   Needless to say I smoked that one cigarette with shaking hands and tears swelling in my eyes.  I never knew how brave I was until I drove a car into Manhattan.

The first day is odd here because your mind is still catching up and is still grasping the concept that this is not a vacation this is your new home.  A home away from home. A place you need to make into a home as our apartment was unfurnished and small.  I loved it even though I was delusional tired, oddly emotional and feeling like our apartment surely needed a punching bag.  I was stressed as this city is on an island minus the sandy beaches and the drinks served in coconuts.  This was in your face, fast, dirty, raw but mostly it was and is real.

This story is not going to end with how I got here or how I was crazy enough to drive to an unknown place.  Its possibly a story about going for it while fighting your instinct to stay safe.  Taking a jump, beginning a leap without a landing.  I came here from the Midwest to conquer some unfortunate truths that underlie deep within.  I was also given a rare opportunity to flip my world upside down, inside out and certainly backwards.  I know I'm not alone in my experience and neither are you. Possibly from reading this you may join that painting class, talk to the cute guy that serves you coffee or dye your hair purple.  

I live in the LES, born and raised in Minnesota and this is my story of luck, courage, bravery, and how sometimes I'm scared as f%^$ but wouldn't change a damn thing.



  1. You leaped and the net caught you!!! You felt the fear and did it anyway! Good for you!!!!


  2. Flashback to you seeing 'eyes in the forest' after a painfully long 24 hr drive! Aww, good times. Anyway, I really like your writing style. Looking forward to reading more! :) Love you!


  3. Good luck in NY! Life is so great when you force yourself to take that leap! Just take everything you learned at the RFC and you'll be fine! haha!

    You'll do great :)
