Monday, January 31, 2011

Riding on the Train of Xenophobia.

Subways are weird.  Its the one place where you can find every ethnicity, every type of individual and any economic class all piled into one moving missile.  We load in, load out, go underground to get further along above ground.  A perfectly oiled confusing machine that reeks of old age and begs you to join in on the fun, until you get on the wrong train.  The perfect high pitch screech of worn metal summons the return of the train taking you stop by stop to your closest cross street.   Fallen garbage, old souvenirs from lazy travelers line the steal beams carrying the trains in every which direction.  You keep to yourself, you pretend you know where your going and you pray the you're not on an express train that doesn't stop till your off the island. 

We all share one thing on the subway, we avoid each other like the plague.  Heaven forbid you'd make eye contact with the person on the other side of you or even worst have to share the bench with someone.  Connecting with a smile is as easy as flying a kite without wind.  Talking with someone isn't ideal however if you hold up your trusty Manhattan map (I have 2) they all come flocking as if I was a piece of bread and they were a seagull.  Its easy to get lost however its even easier finding your way.  New Yorkers take pride in their home, and understand the feeling of momentary not knowing where the hell you are.   

The first time I took the subway, I remember thinking that it was so weird.  We all know we are physically by each other but we all can't find one thing in common.  We can't even talk, we hardly even look at each other.  Its like we are in a bad marriage where someone has cheated and now there's way to much resentment that grudges have been built and I'm not budging till you start talking, Mr.  Do we really believe that we are all that different.  We share 10 minutes with strangers (scary).  What is this?  I noticed it and all I could think of is how big of an asset we all could be to each other if we started first by breaking down some preconceived notions and started talking (heaven forbid, and the crowd gasps).

See its always a few bad apples that ruin the whole bunch.  I enjoy connecting with people and am not really afraid to do so.  In fact every time I do, I run into someone who is from Minnesota (go figure).  Its trusting your judgment and gut feeling until someone proves that they don't deserve you're trust.  You are completely capable of this and have had this ability every since you were putting crayons in your mouth.  I challenge you to drop some walls and talk to someone different.  Keeping to yourself is no way to be in this beautiful life. 
We are all human and that's something we share and it starts with a smile and the ability to be fearless. 

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