Monday, January 24, 2011

*It is What You Make of It*

I am the first to admit that this transition has been very interesting and frustrating at times.  Its change and as we become older change isn't the easiest to welcome.  Doesn't mean I would do it differently, doesn't mean I would change anything.  If I was 21 things would have been different and if I was 18 I would have ran here.  Its a little secret I tucked far away in the back of my mind.  I always wanted to come here, but financially and out of fear couldn't do it by myself.

I don't know what is important to you but leaving the nest of comfort and predictability is something that takes thought.  7 days of thought for me when I first said yes and I'm pretty sure I fought half of the process.  Its harder to jump without a clear landing and your imagination flows like molasses the more one ages.  Reality sets in and after relocating nothing seems familiar especially in the tossed salad that is Manhattan.  Until you realize the grove of the city and start to listen to the heart beat that keeps this city alive.  Its a rhythm that changes by area and also by neighborhood.  You start to realize that your not that different and that a smile buys you gold to a certain few.  We get this from our mother, her infectious ability to be warm and welcoming makes a sour puss smile and a pick pocket-er feel guilt.  It is what you make it.  If you want to be alone you will be left alone, if you want to be bothered you can welcome that too.  This goes for Manhattan, this goes for Minnesota, its a formula for any new place.  You got to feel it out and adjust.

I'm not the first to leave the nest and I wont be the last.  Next time I will be better at it and if I can help someone adjust and feel less alone then we really aren't that different.  We all want to fit in, we all want to feel like we can adjust.  Its a process that doesn't happen overnight, but for today I am fine and tomorrow always brings a new day to do things differently and so goes the same for you.

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