Monday, February 14, 2011

Could You be Lost?

I awake late morning, raise slowly to put the tea pot on.  The city is already bustling with fast walkers and negligent cab drivers.  The smell of freshly melted snow swirls magically through the air.  I already pissed a few hours of the morning away but one can easily make up for that.  Walking down steep stairs through a high metal door the morning sun welcomes my face kissing it lightly with well needed vitamin D.  The sunbeams have been dancing longer then one realizes and as you walk out from where you call home you get it.  The more you walk the more you realize how massive the streets expand like arms wrapping you up only to let you go.  The ever expanding pavement seem like it never ends and in some regard they don't.  The beginning possibility of a new life for the newest members of our society started here to created here.  Either made it or didn't.  Became, existed, conquered, fell but mostly wanted more.  You can't not feel the pulse, you can't avoid the feeling of age.  Its everywhere and every year new people come in hopes of success and a new life.  This island was built on the American dream, the American way.  Its the physical reality of the human spirit, its Manhattan.  

Now that I'm not scared shit-less to get lost,  I travel blindly and kinda like it.  Most of us hate the feeling of being lost, its a vulnerability and a realization that we lost our direction.  A direction we are used to "planning." As if you will be lost forever, as if the direction won't find you.  Don't loss faith in your natural ability to find and explore.  Do you think Columbus knew where he was at all times?   He didn't have GPS and all this crazy technology to think for him, he trusted instinct.  At one time we also didn't see the earth as round so he had added fear of falling off the edge.  

The first week I fought with this feeling, I hated not knowing where I was in the massiveness of concrete and brick.  I got bored with always knowing but then got so uncomfortable with not knowing.  The best part of home is knowing where everything is.  The best part of change is finding things you didn't know existed.  Is it a need or want to always know?  What happens if we didn't and we just walked and got lost? Would you explode?  Would you be afraid?  My hesitation to turn off the beaten path became a journey and then turned into a adventure, like the kind I used to have when I was little.  I see faces I would have never seen, I find new hidden streets with names I can't remember. 

Where I once hated being lost, there's more I have found in doing so.  I'm ok, and so are you.  You will always be found wherever you are because you can't fall off the edge.  We all like the comfort of home but make sure this doesn't debilitate your imagination to get off on an unbeaten path. 

So lets get lost together. 


  1. I love getting lost! Exploring an unknown place is always a fun adventure :) It's so great reading about yours-

  2. Ahhh love it, glad you can relate. Lets get lost together and see what we find. Thanks for the support.
